As my periodic Newzcrawler news feeds flashed before me (every two hours), an item titled "RSS Killed The Infoglut Star" caught my attention. So I commenced to skim through the article, and was struck by the following commentary from TechDirt (one of many RSS based channels):

"Here is yet another article raving about how RSS changes how they get information. I've heard this same story so many times that I'm a bit confused. I keep trying the various RSS readers, and I just haven't been hooked. I use them for a few days, and then realize that my old method of surfing websites was much more enjoyable and much more efficient".

I have written a very detailed article that journalizes a set of hands-on activities that I embarked upon after reading this article -- screen shots and relevant Wikipedia links included. The article is deliberately presented in a "Step By Guide" style with lot’s of relevant links.