
Kingsley Uyi Idehen
Lexington, United States


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XML Features of Oracle 8i and 9i

XML Features of Oracle 8i and 9i

XML and relational databases are both technologies for structuring, cataloguing and processing data. If data has a regular and atomic structure, it is more appropriate and efficient to use a database than XML.

Databases store data, XML is not a storage mechanism, it is a storage format (amongst its many capabilities).

In this case, why would you wish to go to the trouble of converting such data from a database into XML and vice versa? Reasons include:

  • XML is easy to convert further into different formats as required: e.g HTML, PDF, and plain text. This gives a flexibility to web applications where data can be searched for and accessed from the database, and then formatted for output in different formats using e.g XSL.

XML seperates data from formatting (and programming logic). XSL is now broken down into two parts; XSLT

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# PermaLink Comments [0]
05/15/2003 17:16 GMT-0500 Modified: 06/22/2006 08:56 GMT-0500
Bosak on Universal Business Language
Bosak on Universal Business Language
00:23, 15 May 2003 UTC | Simon St.Laurent

At last week's XML Europe, Jon Bosak, the "father of XML", confessed that "yes, I have visions" as he explained how he hoped XML might help in "saving the world", leveling the playing field of global commerce by lowering the cost of doing business.


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# PermaLink Comments [0]
05/15/2003 16:27 GMT-0500 Modified: 06/22/2006 08:56 GMT-0500
Interfaces and habits
Interfaces and habits
jef raskin, the humane interface
It seems kind of unfair, doesn't it? First, developers have to understand and accommodate users' habits. Then we have to deliver solutions that add value while surreptitiously encouraging users to adopt better habits. Finally, we have to bring to the surface, examine, and modify our own deeply-ingrained habits. That's a painful and psychologically hard thing to do. But happy users are not the only reward. The habit of breaking habits will serve you well. [Full story at[via Jon's Radio]
# PermaLink Comments [0]
05/15/2003 15:52 GMT-0500 Modified: 06/22/2006 08:56 GMT-0500
Interfaces and habits
Interfaces and habits
jef raskin, the humane interface
It seems kind of unfair, doesn't it? First, developers have to understand and accommodate users' habits. Then we have to deliver solutions that add value while surreptitiously encouraging users to adopt better habits. Finally, we have to bring to the surface, examine, and modify our own deeply-ingrained habits. That's a painful and psychologically hard thing to do. But happy users are not the only reward. The habit of breaking habits will serve you well. [Full story at[via Jon's Radio]
# PermaLink Comments [0]
05/15/2003 15:52 GMT-0500 Modified: 06/22/2006 08:56 GMT-0500
Don Box is proposing moving to XHTML for RSS

Don Box is proposing moving to XHTML for RSS. [via The Scobleizer Weblog]

Very interesting, especially as a top Microsoft Architect acknowledges XUL (this isn't a XUL article).

# PermaLink Comments [0]
05/15/2003 12:12 GMT-0500 Modified: 06/22/2006 08:56 GMT-0500
Microsoft Struggles To Get Yukon Database Beta Out The Door
Microsoft Struggles To Get Yukon Database Beta Out The Door
By Barbara Darrow, CRN

Boston -- The clock is ticking on Yukon.

Microsoft has promised the first real beta of its next-generation database for the first half of the year. Depending on how first half is defined, that gives the company just over a month. Company sources said the push is on internally to deliver a beta drop by June 1, just in time for the company's TechEd conference in Dallas.

# PermaLink Comments [0]
05/15/2003 11:51 GMT-0500 Modified: 06/22/2006 08:56 GMT-0500
Hack attacks on banks increase

Hack attacks on banks increase ZDNet May 12 2003 10:30AM ET [via Moreover - ZDNet]

Looks like data access security issues are beginning to resonate somewhat (we are still a few miles away from the implications re. native vs. open data access standards).

# PermaLink Comments [0]
05/15/2003 11:22 GMT-0500 Modified: 06/22/2006 08:56 GMT-0500
Mary Jo Foley
By Mary Jo Foley
It was just a passing mention. But Chairman Bill noted at yesterday's Newspaper Association of America Annual Convention that Microsoft is very interested in making sure blogging tools are there to support folks doing "bottom-up publishing." Microsoft has been sticking its toes in the blogging tools waters, as of late, with everything from a Windows Media 9 blogging plug-in, to its Community Starter Kit, to other goodies under development by some of Microsoft's best bloggers.
# PermaLink Comments [0]
05/15/2003 11:21 GMT-0500 Modified: 06/22/2006 08:56 GMT-0500
Mary Jo Foley
By Mary Jo Foley
It was just a passing mention. But Chairman Bill noted at yesterday's Newspaper Association of America Annual Convention that Microsoft is very interested in making sure blogging tools are there to support folks doing "bottom-up publishing." Microsoft has been sticking its toes in the blogging tools waters, as of late, with everything from a Windows Media 9 blogging plug-in, to its Community Starter Kit, to other goodies under development by some of Microsoft's best bloggers.
# PermaLink Comments [0]
05/15/2003 11:21 GMT-0500 Modified: 06/22/2006 08:56 GMT-0500
IT pros 'need better communication skills'
IT pros 'need better communication skills' ZDNet May 15 2003 10:13AM ET
Three-quarters of IT recruitment consultants interviewed for the survey said it was vital that IT staff were good communicators, with almost 70 percent believing that customer relations experience is also important. Business knowledge is also useful, according to six in ten of the recruiters spoken to.
It has obviously taken the current economic climate to see the obvious.
# PermaLink Comments [0]
05/15/2003 11:19 GMT-0500 Modified: 06/22/2006 08:56 GMT-0500
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